Specific Learning Disorders
Virtually all students have difficulty understanding or implementing lessons and material during the course of their education. However, some children experience significant and persistent patterns of difficulty with particular subjects or tasks, despite trying their best.
Specific learning disorders encompass three different areas: reading, written expression, and mathematics. Difficulties in these areas can range from fluency (how quickly and fluidly they understand material), to accuracy, to comprehension and calculation.
Some additional indications of a specific learning disorder include:
● Difficulty correctly identifying right vs. left
● Reversing numbers, letters, or words after age 6 or 7 (first or second grade)
● Challenges recognizing patterns or organizing objects by size or shape
● Difficulty remembering what was just read or said
Individuals experiencing challenges with learning despite giving their best efforts may begin to feel frustrated, act out, or withdraw from learning activities over time. Identification of specific learning disorders can help adults at school and at home intervene to provide educational support and bolster self-confidence. Additionally, children with specific learning disorders qualify for special educational services under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act to help provide the tools they need to succeed in the classroom.